About This Blog

"Ask and ye shall receive, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you. Matthew 7:7"

With the virtual world (internet), praying together the Friday novena for Senor Santo Nino is possible. Whether you’re away from Cebu, an OFW in the Middle East, away or far from church, at home due to sickness and ill or too old to participate, we still can pray together.

I posted a copy of a Perpetual Novena to this blog so that I can share it easily. It has been a long time since I seek for a copy of it since when I came here in the Middle East. We know that some non-Christian country’s, novena copy or even bible are prohibited. So I made a research of the copy and post it in this blog.

This site is dedicated and a help to those Santo Nino de Cebu devotee’s and who still believe in miracle by prayers.

Help me share this website and together during Friday, we will pray together.

If you can help me post a hard copy of the original novena booklet or in PDF copy, please send it to me so that we can add it in this website and let others download a copy.

You may contact me at villariza@gmail.com or at +63 9959185208